J Crew Silk Cami - Kelsey

The trouble with evilBay is that you can easily find some amazing things. The hard parts are where other fall in love with the same thing you do, your watch lists can become huge, and last minute sniping is enough to drive you crazy! (I had one person, the only bidder, bid on something in the last 8 seconds! Madness I tell you!)
Enough about that. Next up comes the hunt for more meaningful employment. I am sporadic at times with how often I apply for positions, which is a little silly as I want a new job now! kplzthx. And so I am madly trying to finish an application for the local Police Auxiliary opportunities, but I may have missed the deadline boat. So while I wait for the recruitment centre to open, away I am typing this morning!
One of the things I came across whilst trying to fulfill my application was online typing tests. I need to actually find a place locally where I can obtain a certificate, easier said than done! To while away the time I did some online ones. Here, I challenge you to attempt this one. It's not the most accurate, but its certainly good for a bit of fun!
speed typing test (c) CalculatorCat.com |
In other news, will be having an eye test today. I already wear glasses but I somehow destroyed the lenses on my last pair and need new ones stat! I had an eyetest about 9 months ago but never got around to choosing frames (!) and so will be doing the test today, and have chosen the lucky frames. I'm a little excited about the perscription sunglasses! Great vision and shaded eyes? I say YES! The $400+ price tag for the two pairs and the "recommended extras"? I say "layby ok?"
Can't think of anything else too exciting to blog about at the moment, but farewell, if you are reading until next time.
Update: Crikey! I did miss the deadline... It was last Friday for Auxiliary and tomorrow for Constable *headdesk* Well at least I have 6 months to get the application in now!
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